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Research and development

The Norwegian Coastal Administration's work on research and development is often related to combating acute pollution, preventive maritime safety and coastal management.

Project goals are based on real user needs. We look at the development of methods, technology and services that improve the Norwegian Coastal Administration's services and capacity. We also initiate and finance important R&D activities, both internally (through self-financing) and externally.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration participates in various technology development programmes, and we make facilities and knowledge available to actors who need testing and analysis of their development work.

  • E-navigation

    E-navigation is a strategy developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a UN specialized agency, to facilitate digitalisation and automated exhange of information between vessels and between vessels and authorities.
  • Testing equipment for oil spill response

    Testing new types of oil spill response equipment is an important part of the Norwegian Coastal Administration’s work to further develop technology and equipment to combat acute pollution.
  • ArcticInfo

    Get voyage-related information for safe navigation in Arctic waters.

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