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What is the role of the NCA?

The Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) reports to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, and is a national agency for coastal management, maritime safety and emergency preparedness against acute pollution.

The NCA is responsible for fairways and represents an important common good for society. We are partly user-financed and partly funded through the national budget. The main purpose of the NCA is to ensure safe and efficient passage in fairways along the coast and into ports, and to ensure that national emergency preparedness measures against acute pollution are in place.

Our remit includes planning and exercising authority under the Harbour Act, the Pilotage Act, the Pollution Control Act, the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act and the Planning and Building Act. Our most important tasks are as follows:

  • Development and maintenance of fairways
  • Aids to navigation services
  • Vessel traffic services
  • Pilotage service
  • Reporting services and navigational warnings
  • National preparedness against acute pollution
  • Transport planning
  • International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS)

Activities cover the maritime component of the National Transport Plan (NTP) and include governance and administrative tasks related to laws and regulations for ports, fairways and pilotage requirements.

In performing these tasks, the NCA works with various other public agencies, which are responsible for safety, transport and emergency preparedness in related areas. We are also active participants in international efforts within our field.

Goals and vision

The Norwegian Coastal Administration’s vision is to make the Norwegian coast and sea areas the safest and cleanest in the world.

The overarching goal of national transport policy is to ensure a transport system that is secure, promotes value creation and facilitates the transition to a low-emission society.

The goal of national preparedness against acute pollution is to prevent and limit environmental damage from acute pollution in Norwegian sea areas and territory.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration has four main goals that support the national goals:

  1. Navigability Improving navigation for people and goods throughout Norway. 
  2. Transport safety Reduce maritime accidents in line with the vision of zero accidents.
  3. Climate and environment Reduce greenhouse gases in line with the transition to a low-emission society and reduce other adverse environmental consequences.
  4. Emergency preparedness against acute pollution Prevent and limit environmental damage from acute pollution, or risk of acute pollution.

Operational strategy and core values

  • Operational strategy

    In combination, transport policy goals, global sustainability goals, commissioned tasks and regulations provide a framework for the work of the Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA). The operational strategy sets out how we work – it does not cover everything we do or everything we are capable of. It helps us ask the right questions and make forward-looking decisions.

    The NCA’s strategic goals reflect what we need to do in order to fulfil our social mission and achieve the national goals in the National Transport Plan. The strategy sets out how we should go about achieving these goals, and serves as a tool in the overarching planning and setting of priorities. It represents a checklist and control for our strategic choices, and drives long-term planning and the prioritisation of resources in the annual budget.

  • Core values

    The Norwegian Coastal Administration is forward-looking, committed and reliable.


    At the Norwegian Coastal Administration, we look ahead. We are continuously seeking new knowledge, and constantly evolving and willing to change. We understand what is important for our users and ourselves.


    At the Norwegian Coastal Administration, we have respect for users, partners and each other. We move in the same direction and make each other better. We are proud of who we are and of what we do.


    At the Norwegian Coastal Administration, we comply with statutory and regulatory frameworks, and are good role models at sea and on land. We are transparent in our communication and are professional. We take pride in delivering a high-standard service in a timely fashion.



Solveig Johanne Moe Frøland /
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