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Co-sailing as a preventive measure

Consider whether it is possible to plan to sail close to other cruise ships or other ships. This can reduce the consequences should an unwanted event occur.

There can be long distances to emergency resources when sailing in remote sea areas. In areas with marginal infrastructure, such as in the Barents Sea and in the waters around Svalbard, planned joint sailing will help to reduce risk. The ships can potentially assist each other with towing and/or rescue of those in distress.

What resources must be present?

The ships must be properly equipped to represent such a resource. If this is NOT the case, the vessel will be able to contribute to false security. If the purpose is towing, access to towing equipment and necessary towing competence/experience among the crew will be necessary. If the purpose is to rescue survivors, a system will be necessary that enables the transfer of those in distress regardless of weather conditions.

Risk assessments

It is important to be aware that cruise ships sailing together or near each other could potentially end up in an emergency situation simultaneously, for example, due to collision or severe weather. Risk assessments must take this into consideration.

We encourage all cruise operators to share information that can enable joint sailing with other vessels.

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