Emergency preparedness resources

The Norwegian Coastal Administration has a number of resources that can be used in the event of acute pollution.
The Norwegian Coastal Administration has a number of resources that can be used in the event of acute pollution.
The Norwegian Coastal Administration has 15 oil spill response depots along the Norwegian coast. The depots are equipped with oil booms, oil absorbers, beach cleaning and emergency unloading equipment. The depots are staffed with a depot force of 10 people and a supervisor.
Geographical location of the emergency preparedness material, and the type of equipment stored there, is based on the NCA's emergency preparedness analyzes. The analyzes indicate the probability and consequences of acute pollution on the various stretches along the coast.
The Norwegian Coastal Administration's six vessels, 12 of the Coast Guard's vessels and the Governor of Svalbard's vessel MV Polarsyssel are equipped with oil spill response equipment.
NCA has signed a contract with 36 smaller vessels connected to the depots. These are private boats that will assist the NCA in an oil spill response operation. These boats do not have their own oil spill response equipment on board, but will use equipment from the depots in the event of an action.
The Norwegian Coastal Administration's surveillance aircraft patrol the Norwegian coast 600–800 hours a year. Remote sensing equipment in the aircraft makes it possible both to detect illegal emissions and to calculate the amount of pollution. During operations, air surveillance is actively used to detect and map the spread of the pollution, and thus where the oil spill response effort should be deployed. This service is performed in collaboration with the Coast Guard and the Norwegian Oil Spill Prevention Association for Operating Companies (NOFO).
The Norwegian Coastal Administration also uses satellite services to be able to detect possible pollution at sea. If the satellite images detect possible pollution, NCA can mobilize surveillance aircraft or vessels to verify the satellite observation. In the event of illegal discharges, NCA will implement measures to identify responsible pollutants.
There is also oil spill response equipment in municipalities and in companies that conduct potentially polluting activities. The Norwegian Coastal Administration can use this equipment when needed.
In addition, NCA has co-operation agreements with other countries that ensure assistance when needed.