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Information for the cruise industry

Information from the Norwegian authorities on safe cruises in Norway. The aim of the overview is to help shipowners and captains prevent accidents and unwanted incidents.

  • Co-sailing

    Consider whether it is possible to plan to sail close to other cruise ships or other ships. This can reduce the consequences should an unwanted event occur.
  • SafeSeaNet Norway

    Book a pilot and send arrival and departure information to Norwegian authorities and ports.
  • Wave Forecast

    Forecast for selected fairways the next 66 hours.
  • Fee Calculator

    Find out how much you have to pay in pilotage fees and safety fees.
  • Cruise and emergencies

    Follow the links for information on search and rescue resources, important contact information for use in route planning, which is an important part of preparedness for passenger ships.
  • Kystinfo

    See our map service for maritime information.
  • ArcticInfo

    Get voyage-related information for safe navigation in Arctic waters.
  • Coastal Warnings

    See navigational warnings for the Norwegian coast and Svalbard.
  • NAVAREA XIX Warnings

    Get updates on navigational warnings for the Norwegian Sea, the Greenland Sea and the western part of the Barents Sea.
  • Wave Forecast

    See forecast for selected fairways and areas on the Norwegian coast.
  • Ice reports - How much ice is there in the fairway.

    We provide the national ice service for vessel traffic. This includes updated information on ice conditions in Norwegian waters from the Swedish border to Kristiansand, and information on icebreaking in the main and secondary fairways outside port areas. Ice reports are available from December 1 t …
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