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See ship traffic in real time.


See our map service for maritime information.

Unlit Lights

Shows Unlit lights around the Norwegian coast.

Kystinfo preparedness

The Norwegian Coastal Administration's map solution for working with incidents with acute pollution.

NAVAREA XIX warnings

Get updates on navigational warnings for the Norwegian Sea, the Greenland Sea and the western part of the Barents Sea.

Coastal Warnings

See navigational warnings for the Norwegian coast and Svalbard.

Wave Forecast

Forecast for selected fairways the next 66 hours.

SafeSeaNet Norway

Book a pilot and send arrival and departure information to Norwegian authorities and ports.

Fee Calculator

Find out how much you have to pay in pilotage fees and safety fees.


Get voyage-related information for safe navigation in Arctic waters.

Current Voyages

See inbound and outbound voyages registered in SafeSeaNet Norway.

Wave Forecast

See forecast for selected fairways and areas on the Norwegian coast.

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