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ArcticInfo provides mariners with important information on Arctic conditions and decision support for safe navigation in Arctic waters.

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The service is map-based, free and accessible for everyone. It covers a wide area off the coast of Norway, Iceland, Russia, Canada and Greenland - including the Barents Sea and North Sea.


Get voyage-related information for safe navigation in Arctic waters.


  • Ice map - ice concentration, drift ice and fast ice
  • AIS data - see other vessels in the area
  • Weather forecast - wind direction and strength, current and temperature
  • Depth curves - provides an overview of the topography of the seabed
  • Quay conditions
  • Storm warnings - from Norway, Canada, Iceland and Russia
  • Overview of Norwegian maritime borders
  • Reporting option - send your voyage plan digitally to Greenlandic authorities

User Registration

You must register to be able to edit information about your own vessel - such as max speed, ice class, gross tonnage, rescue and communication capacities. 

When you are registered as a user you get access to AIS data for the entire Arctic area.

Register for a user account here

About ArcticInfo

  • The service is developed and operated by barentswatch.no on behalf of the Norwegian Coastal Administration.
  • ArcticInfo replaces ArcticWeb, a digital information service established by the Danish Maritime Authority in 2013 to provide information services for shipping in waters off the coast of Greenland.
  • Since the Norwegian Coastal Administration took over the service in 2018, it has been further developed and expanded to apply to several sea areas.
  • The service collects ship-specific information from the ship registers NIS/NOR.

Read more about the service at barentsWatch.no



Jon Leon Ervik /
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