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Oil spill protection and environmental preparedness

The NCA's national emergency preparedness against acute pollution aims to protect life, health, the natural environment and business interests at sea and ashore.

  • Responsibilities, roles and resources

    The Norwegian Coastal Administration is responsible for coordinating state, municipal and private emergency preparedness. On this page you can read more about what that means.
  • Reporting acute pollution incidents

    Anyone who discovers acute pollution is obliged to notify the emergency phone number 110. Vessels at sea report to the nearest coastal radio station or one of the Joint Rescue Coordination Centres (HRS), which also act as Norway’s Maritime Assistance Service (MAS).
  • International cooperation on oil spill preparedness

    Very few countries have sufficient resources for combating oil spills and other pollution incidents on their own. Norway therefore cooperates closely with other nations on mutual assistance in the following agreements and forums:
  • Emergency response operations

    In the event of a report of, or imminent danger of, a major case of acute pollution, the Norwegian Coastal Administration's environmental emergency team will mobilize emergency personnel and equipment from municipal and state emergency preparedness organizations.
  • Knowledge database

    Here you will find scientific and experience-based information on oil spill response and environment emergency response. Use the filter or search function to find what you're looking for. New documents are added to the database on an ongoing basis.

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